
Saturday, July 9, 2022

Praise to the Man and another Nauvoo miracle

July 3, 2022

This week was a wonderful, roller-coaster ride of emotions and times.

Tuesday we were blessed to prepare the grounds at the Smith Family Cemetery for the Community of Christ Martyrdom Commemoration and then, later attend it. As I weeded the small flower garden next to the place where Joseph, Emma and Hyrum are laid, I felt a certain peace come to me that testified that Joseph is indeed a prophet of God, and that he did restore the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints to this earth. I am grateful for that small moment.

Later, we were able to attend another Commemoration at Carthage Jail that was organized by the mission. These were my thoughts as I sat waiting for the program to begin:

~~My heart is so full.  At this moment I am sitting outside on the grounds of the Carthage Jail, listening to the Nauvoo Brass Band play beautiful hymns as we prepare ourselves for the Commemoration of the martyrdom of Joseph and Hyrum Smith on June 27, 1844. Just a few minutes ago, the Elder in charge of setting up the chairs stood and  saw that more chairs needed to be set up and without a word, the Elders arose and accomplished the task. I love the unity of the missionaries here. As I sit and ponder on Joseph and Hyrum, tears fill my eyes. I have so much love for them. I love how close and supportive they were of each other. I love that they weren't only brothers by birth but also brothers in the gospel of this then, newly restored church of Jesus Christ. I love that Hyrum didn't need to go to Carthage but he wouldn't leave his brother to face this trial alone. I love that, even though Joseph knew that they would not return alive, he was willing to give his life for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Joseph was not a perfect man but he was a man full of integrity and love for his fellow men. He could have easily recanted his telling of the First Vision and gone on to live a normal life but he knew that God knew that he had seen the Father and the Son and he could not deny that. He lived a very tough life, rarely having time with just his family. He was thrown into jail, on false charges, so many times, yet he never denied what he knew to be true.

As I think of Joseph's time here in Nauvoo, I know he had many times of joy as he watched so many gather to Nauvoo from all over the world. They gathered as Saints who had a deep and abiding faith in Jesus. I like to picture Joseph as he joined in a fun game of stick-pull or a game of stick ball with the children. I like to think of the conversations that Joseph had with my ancestors that he met, many that he knew personally and were good friends with. I think of his abiding love for his beloved wife, Emma and for their children. I think of his mother, Lucy and her tender heart and faith in our Savior. I look forward to the day that I can meet Joseph, Emma, Lucy and Hyrum and thank them personally for their sacrifices.~~

It has been a fun week hearing the pageant music as we have been wood chipping the trees around the pageant grounds. We chipped over 100 trees. It sure makes the grounds look nice. Also, I was weeding at Lyon Drug and my friend, Julie Robinson and some of her children came through. It was so great to see them again! We were in Pageant together the first few years and I remember walking her two little girls around the pageant area as we had make-believe ice cream cones from castles. Such fun memories and now, one of those little girls, Susan, is in the core cast of the Pageant and is 22-years-old. My, how time flies!

Doug has been busy in the weld shop working on projects mostly for Pageant and the teamsters. He's also been on call to load the trailer with wood chips for us.  

It's funny (ok, maybe not so funny) how one flash of light can change things. Long story somewhat short - I noticed a flash of light Tuesday night from my left eye. It continued Wednesday so I pulled out google and it said it was probably a detached retina or tear in the retina. I called an ophthalmologist Thursday morning and was called back Thursday late afternoon saying that they had just had a cancellation and could I come in Friday morning at 11:30. The doctor confirmed that I did have a tear in the retina and was able to get me into a doctor that could do laser surgery on it in just a few hours. We headed to Iowa City for that surgery. Five minutes before the office closed, they were able to get the ok from our insurance to proceed with the procedure. After an exam from the doctor, I was taken to a room where he performed the laser surgery on my eye and I was good to go. The whole laser procedure took about 2-4 minutes (it's hard to tell time when your eye is being zapped with a bright, painful light!) Before we left from Nauvoo, we detoured to the Tin Shop and had Elder Anderson assist Doug in giving me a blessing. If the retina tear had been worse or if the retina had detached, I would have spent most of the rest of my mission laying down as the eye healed. I am so thankful for the Priesthood power and for worthy priesthood holders. I am thankful for prayers from family and fellow missionaries! I am thankful for a series of small miracles that led to one large one - I am able to finish off our mission strong! A few small restrictions - I can't lift heavy items and jerk my head around but I can still weed and work in the gardens! I can still participate in the Pageant!  I am so thankful and grateful! Prayers were answered and Nauvoo miracles abound!

As my daughter reminded me today (as if I needed the reminder! Haha) next Fast Sunday I will be home. Crazy!! We had the Hurrah for Israel for E/S Wood today. It makes it easier saying good-bye to them, knowing that we'll see them again soon. We're next to go, along with E/S Rasmussen. πŸ˜³

We are so thankful to be serving here in Nauvoo, for the friendships we have made and continue to make. We love our Savior and we know that prayers are answered! Sometimes we have to wait (sometimes years) for the answer but I know that he is aware of each one of us! He knows our desires and blesses us. I am so grateful for the miracles we witnessed this week.

It's pageant time!!! The stage from the back πŸ‘† and the frontπŸ‘‡

These sweet girls used to live across the street from us
in Ivins. It was so nice to finally run into them here. 
They've been working here in Nauvoo this summer.

I was a little late taking this pic and they were mostly done
but you can see all the Elders working hard to set up chairs.

President Dalton speaking to us in Carthage.

The NPM Elders singing "Praise to the Man" at the end of the
Commemoration. They were, as always, amazing!!!

Elder Downard played at the very end of the Commemoration.
Can you tell that he is 76? He works hard and I hope that
I can have his energy and health when I'm that age!

Lorna and I were in the same ward growing up and
our dad's served in the Bishopric together. She went
to school with my brother, Eric. Her son and husband
are in the Pageant core cast. It was fun visiting with her.

I love these Conservation Sisters that I've been blessed to serve with.
Even though I'm now serving in the gardens, they still think of me 
as part of them. This was taken at our "Good-bye Sister Wood" lunch.
Above - Sisters Gate, Cluff, Petersen, Wood, Burns, Levesque, Darton, Virgin

Just more beautiful flowers. These are in front of the
Wilford Woodruff home. 

Pic taken from the VC gardens.

The Pageant has returned!!!

June 28, 2022

Friday we were at the Pageant Country Fair area wood chipping all of the trees. We had just emptied the trailer of wood chips and were waiting for it to return when I heard the first few measures of music from the start of the Nauvoo Pageant! It was all I needed to be deliriously happy and to head over to the stage! I couldn't help myself! It was so great to see so many friends there! Paul Walstead, Cynthia Collier, Gayle Lockwood, and many others. The core cast was on the stage rehearsing yesterday and yep, I was one happy girl! I told my gardening people that they could tell me to be quiet if I started getting on their nerves talking about Pageant!  I guess I wasn't too bad because no one told me to be quiet. 

We've been having problems with the irrigation system that waters the sites so many of the flowers were pretty sad looking when I went to water them, by hand, this week. Many of them were limp and just lying on the ground. After I watered them, to my delight, they perked up and looked beautiful again. It made me think of how we can quench spiritual thirst. We need to water/feed our spirit daily. Jesus Christ is our Living Water. Elder Wirthlin said, "It is only this 'living water,' the gospel of Jesus Christ, that can and will bring a happy, a successful, and an everlasting life to the children of men." We grow closer to our Savior by having daily scripture study and prayer. These are so important! I know that I can tell the difference in me when I miss a few days. President Nelson said, "Nothing opens the heavens quite like the combination of increased purity, exact obedience, earnest seeking, daily feasting on the words of Christ in the Book of Mormon, and regular time committed to temple and family history work."  Ensign, May 2018, 95.

Random happening that I forgot to mention a few weeks ago - someone poured cremated remains in the Women's Garden. I very carefully and respectfully covered them up with mulch. I can appreciate that someone would want to do that, the Women's Garden is a beautiful and peaceful place, but still! 

We have two new couples on the garden crew and it's been so nice! Elder Downard, I'm sure, appreciates having a few more Elders to help and we've been getting things done a lot faster!

We were finally able to attend the NPM show, The Promise, on Saturday. It was so good! We went with E/S Bowen. They are pretty new missionaries. Sister Bowen serves with me in the gardens. It's been fun getting to know her.

We welcomed E/S Stringham to the mission this past week. We are their trainers. I hope we've done a good job. 

Friday we had our welcome/farewell breakfast. We said welcome to E/S Stringham and E/S Bowen. The hard part was the farewell to E/S Wood. I served with Sister Wood in both gardens and Conservation and I love her and will miss her!!! Good thing I'll see her again!!! They sing a Farewell Nauvoo song that is like a funeral song. It brings out the tears. I told them that I want "Happy Trails to you" sung at my farewell breakfast! Haha

There's been so much going on and it's only getting busier! We are tired but things are great! We are thankful to be serving our Savior here in Nauvoo!!!

The Pageant Core Cast performing
"Our Story Goes On"

This is how we roll when we are waiting for the trailer
to return with more wood chips. There was one bench
so we all crowded on it! 
Sisters Rasmussen, Stringham, Bowen, Coffman, me, Haynie, and Julie, our
wonderful intern. We are missing Sister Downard.

E/S Wood receiving their FM Flag

Our FM Missionaries are such hard workers! Here, Elders Wood 
and Bowen and Adam (full-time employee) work to repair a
broken water line.


Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Six weeks - what?!?!?!

June 19, 2022

First off, Happy Father's day to all of you amazing dads out there! I'm grateful for my dad and all that he taught me and for the wonderful example that he was to me. I miss him everyday! I'm also grateful for my mission companion, my eternal companion and for the crazy, fun dad that he is. I'm also blessed with three amazing son-in-laws who are great dads to my grandchildren. I am blessed! 

I was able to attend the vignette, "Youth of Zion" this week with the garden crew. It is always fun to see those. We were working at Browning Gun and were ready for a break at the same time as the show started so, since they are right next door, we went and it was great! After three hours of mulching, it was a nice break!

According to my daughter, we are  on our last transfer here on the mission. Six weeks left. How did that happen? We received our departing packet this week, which made it even more real. My goal is to totally enjoy these last six week and not be a blubbering idiot the whole time. It doesn't take much for me to tear up lately. So many emotions going on!

Today marks six years, on Father's Day, that my mom left this world. It was five months after my dad died. That was a hard time for me, losing them both so close together but it was also a happy time to know that my mom was whole again (she had Alzheimer's) and that she was reunited with my dad, her parents and many other relatives that had passed before. I know that it was a glorious reunion! I am so grateful for the wonderful plan of happiness and that I can say without reservation that my parents live and that I will see them and be with them again! Just after my mom died, I looked heavenward and said, "Happy Father's day Dad, you have your wife back. Happy Father's day Grandpa, you have your daughter back! I miss my parents everyday and often feel them close around me. I know that they would be so happy to see me serving our Heavenly Father and His son, Jesus Christ, here in Nauvoo.

These last few weeks, I've tried really hard to not complain and to be positive. I catch myself being negative mid sentence and stop. One of the missionaries that I serve with, after I stopped mid sentence and said, "I'm trying!"  commented that she's noticed I'm trying and that I'm doing much better. I really am trying!! I repent each night and ask for help to be a better person each day. I also ask to find joy in the service. I know that negativity and complaining come from Satan and not Heavenly Father and I don't want to be Satan's tool in that way or anyway for that matter!

The work here continues, even though summer arrived with a vengeance and it's been hot and humid! We had a few days of over 100 degree heat index. We continue mulching the gardens and pulling weeds! They are looking so good!!!

The work is going on at a furious pace at the Pageant Grounds, bringing in the trailers for concessions and restrooms, first aid, setting up bleachers, repairing the stage and getting it all ready. Doug says any project that he gets that's for the pageant takes  first priority. It's a busy but exciting time to be in Nauvoo! We've signed up to help with security/parking for two nights of the Pageants.

We've had a lot of youth groups come, along with tour groups. The other day I counted eight buses just at the Nauvoo Family Inn and Suites. It's crazy!!! It is good to see Nauvoo busy again after the Covid break.

I am so grateful for my membership in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and for the many blessings that I receive each day because of it. I am grateful that I was raised by righteous parents, who weren't perfect but they were perfect for me! I am grateful for all that they taught me and for the example that they were to me. I am grateful for my Heavenly Father who loves me unconditionally. I am grateful for His trust in me to raise the five beautiful children that he sent to us. I know that we are not perfect parents, but I hope that my kids (I'm pretty sure they do ;-) ) think that we're perfect for them! We sure do love and miss them!

Have a great week and know that we love you!

The Exodus Memorial has been refurbished with newly printed names. 
It looks wonderful! Kudos to Casey from FM for his amazing work!

The VC East Theater where we hold Sacrament Meeting, our 
weekly training meetings and other meetings. It is packed on Sundays.
This was just hung up in the VC and I was the first one to use it!
The Edward Partridge District. This was probably our last District Meeting
that we'll be at since we won't be having one in July because of Pageant festivities.
E/S Haynie, Richins, Webster, Macfarlane, Snyder, Burns, Mills

We served in the VC Sunday with these two sweet YSM.
Sister Leal and Sister Phelps.


Monday, June 20, 2022

Things are happening here in Nauvoo!

June 13, 2022

I keep thinking that one of these weeks I'm going to say that nothing happened and that there is nothing to report but that's not this week!!!

Pageant!!! The Nauvoo and British Pageants are happening soon! This week at our weekly training meetings, we started learning the songs that we'll sing at the end of the British Pageant! The missionaries will join the cast on stage at the end of the pageant to sing them. It did my heart good to sing those beautiful, powerful songs again! It's been awhile and I was happy!

We received word this week that due to some medical problems, E/S Phister would be leaving the mission early. This broke our hearts! Elder Phister plays with Doug in the Nauvoo Strummers - they both play the banjolele. Sister Phister is just amazing and they will be missed. We took a temple picture to them on Friday and received big hugs in return. I know I say this with all the missionaries that leave, but they will be missed!

I'm still sad that they took my truck away but I'm handling it a lot better! Haha! I'm getting used to going in each morning and checking out a vehicle. It's definitely not as convenient but, oh well, such is life! We had a rainy day this week, so I was able to spend a day in Conservation. It was fun serving with Sister Peterson and Sister Gates as we ran errands and cleaned the Gheen home. I've been so blessed to have served in several capacities here in Nauvoo.

I think I can say that we have all of the gardens and flower beds planted! Now, we just have to mulch them all!

Friday night we had a Zone meeting and it was held at the barn. There was lots of good food, company and flies!!! After we ate, we toured the barn, learned more about the horses and how they are taken care of. It was a fun, interesting tour. Doug kept pointing out welding jobs that he had done for the teamsters. Those pictures will be on the blog. They have definitely kept him in business!

I was heading into the break room one day this week (it all runs together, I can't remember which day) and Doug caught me and asked for my phone so he could find his phone that he'd lost. He returned with his phone - totally smashed! He'd run over it with the backhoe or as our 2-year-old grandson says - the hoeback. So, thanks to the efforts of our son, Austin, Doug now has a new phone and finally has it up and running!

We have been learning my sister's arrangement of "I Know That My Redeemer Lives" with six other missionaries and it's coming along nicely. I'm grateful for those who are singing with us! We were thinking of performing it our last Sunday in the mission but I'm not sure I can. I'll probably cry all through it. 

I don't say it often enough, but we are so thankful and blessed to have the children that we do! They have supported us on this mission and have sent Marco Polos often so that we can see them and watch our grandchildren grow up! I know they pray for us and we look forward to joining them again soon. These last few weeks are flying by! 

The TEMPLE! We were able to attend the temple this week! The first time in several months since it's been closed again and only recently opened back up. It was so nice to be back in it! I love the spirit that resides in the temple and the beautiful truths that are taught there. I love being in it! 

I love my Savior and I'm so grateful that I belong to His church and for the many blessings that it brings into my life!

The following and above photos are of projects that Doug has worked on.
Above, he made the manger for the hay and made the gate at the end of the feeding trough.
The horses would fill their mouths with oats, then lean over and get into the water.
The gate keeps them from getting to the water.
He had to weld a piece on the bleachers before they could fold them out.
These bleachers will be used for seating at the Pageants.
He designed and made the holders that the wagon tongues go into.
He also fixed the holder for the horseshoes and fixed the shoeing stock.
The teamsters keep him busy! 

Making cement and stands to put signs on around the sites.

I love attending the NPM Vignettes. This is "Go Ye Into All The World".
The tack for some of the four-legged missionaries.
Mulching Lyon Drug - my happy place!

Pageant stage and the temple! Pretty soon it will be full of people!
Back row - Sister Coffman, Elder Downard, Me
Front - Sister Downard, Julie, Sister Rasmussen, Sister Haynie

There is no better way to spend a Sunday afternoon then 
attending the "Love of the Savior" Concert.

FM Gardner's after planting the entry gardens at the VC

At our Zone Meeting.

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Back in my happy place!

June 6, 2022

Tuesday, we started, finally, planting the gardens at Lyon Drug and Browning Gun. It was my first time back to Lyon Drug since last year and I cried and they weren't happy tears. There were so many weeds there - you could hardly get through the walkways. It made me really sad but at the same time, I know that we, the gardeners, are doing the best we can with trying to get everything done. Wednesday and Thursday, we spent the whole day weeding at Lyon Drug and I was back in my happy place! I love that garden! By the time we left, it looked so much better! I love that while we were there, three wagons drove by with the amazing horses, the Nauvoo Brass Band went by and played for us as they drove by! I could see the temple! I was almost giddy with joy and happiness! By the end of the week, the garden looked so much better and I was one happy missionary!!!
I did receive some sad news this week.  The Women of Faith vignette that I've been a part of has been postponed through the summer and will resume again in August, after I'm gone. I'm sad that I won't be able to do it again before we leave. I have loved telling the story of Relief Society and being a part of such a great vignette. I'll always be grateful to Sister Rizley for believing in me when I didn't and for encouraging me to do Women of Faith. She was with me the first time that I did Women of Faith and I'll be forever thankful for her love and faith in me.

Another sad thing this week - they took my truck away ;-(  I've had a truck assigned to me for most of my mission and they needed it for the pageants so I had to clean it out a few months earlier than I planned. I feel lost without it. I used it everyday and I miss it! Doug told me to "go with the flow" and I'm trying!

Saturday we had plans to go to Hannibal and see the sites there but some friends that were going with us had to cancel that morning but wanted to go so I decided to see what else we could do and I found a Civil War Reenactment that was taking place a few hours away so I called the Levesque's, we picked them up and headed to Pittsfield, IL. We had so much fun! It was a re-creation of civil war encampments, with all the participants in time period clothing. They had some fun little stores there - Doug bought him a hat (his head was getting sunburned) and I found a beautiful crocheted collar that I bought for my Pioneer dress and it looked great! The actual reenactment was amazing to watch! I'm so glad that I found out about it and that we were able to go. I'm so thankful for all of those who have sacrificed so much so that we have the freedoms that we do today.

The Nauvoo Performing Missionaries are back and it's so great to have them here! Their performances started Memorial Day weekend and we've been able to attend "Sunset by the Mississippi" several times. I've also attended "Songs of Zion". There are still a lot of performances that we have to get in before we leave.

We were called by President Dalton to serve as trainers for a new couple that is coming to serve here. They arrive in two weeks and we are excited and humbled to train them. 

There was so much that happened this week that I know I'm forgetting something. We are loving our time here and know that it is quickly coming to an end. I know these last two months are going to fly by and we are trying to savor every moment. 

I read this thought this week and it really touched me. I'd like to share it with you.

"The work ahead of us often feels so daunting. It's easy to focus on our own weaknesses and the roadblocks in our way.

However, the Lord invites us to focus on Him, on His power, and on our covenants with Him. He really will help us do what we could never do alone.

So face your challenges with faith in your God and faith in your covenants. Remember that He's telling you, 'We've got this!'"

I love this and I know it to be true!

I love you! Thanks for all of your love and prayers!

Lyon Drug with all the weeds ;-(

During the weeding process

Pulling weeds at Lyon Drug. I've had so many friends lately that
have posted their "feet at the beach" picture that I thought it was
only appropriate that I post my "feet in Nauvoo gardens" pic. Haha

It looks so happy now! What a difference it makes to get the weeds out!
Kind of like life - I know I have a few "weeds" that I can remove from my life!

We planted the gourd arbor! Now to keep the bunnies away!
In my happy place!!!

We had a dinner with all the missionaries that live in the condos.

Dancing on the "Sunset" stage.

Doing the bunny hop and boy, am I out of shape!!! I thought I'd die before 
the song ended. I can haul wheelbarrows full of mulch and wood chips, but
this about did me in! Haha! It was a lot of fun though!

Some of our NPMs, with one of our favorites, Elder Perkins in the blue check.
He served here last year and we are so happy that he's back this year!
The Nauvoo Brass Band

Our Nauvoo Performing Missionaries

Doug giving a pottery demonstration at the FLC

Some of the sweet YSMs we served with Sunday at the FLC.
Hermana Lael, Sisters Lambson, Freytag, and Phelps

Doug driving one of the big rigs!

We said farewell to E/S Wessman. They came out with us 
and we have loved serving with them. 

Who knew that ornamental cabbages could be so pretty!

We were coming back from Keokuk the other day and the pelicans
were having a lot of fun in the Mississippi. I wish I had a better
camera so you could see them better.

Louie was the FM Arborist and he left this week for another job.
I worked with him on the Bootiful Nauvoo Pumpkin Walk.
Louie on the left, Jordan, our FM boss, on the right.

I had over 20 pictures from the reenactment and narrowed it down to just a few.
These are all before or after the reenactment as the ones that I took
during it didn't turn out very well. It was too far away.


Praise to the Man and another Nauvoo miracle

July 3, 2022 This week was a wonderful, roller-coaster ride of emotions and times. Tuesday we were blessed to prepare the grounds at the Smi...